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The leasing process is as easy as 1-2-3!
Pick an apartment via online or in person.
Fill out an application online.
Pay the deposit, application and administration fees via money order.
Then, within 24-72 hours we will reach out to you with questions or results of the screening.
The number 1 question everyone asks?
Will I get approved? We don’t know. Each application is screened the same way, but everyones info is unique to them. So if you fill out your application truthfully and everything matches, your results should return quickly.
2nd question everyone asks?
What is the screening process verifying? Everything. To summarize they will be checking income, address, criminal history, rental history and credit.
Attached on this page is our Qualifying Criteria and Fraudulent App Policy which outlines in detail what will be verified and what will happen if you provide false, misleading or leave out information. After reviewing this, if you would like to apply, we would love to process your application.


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